FEBRUARY 15, 2025
Visit your local H-D® dealership





A chance to win a $500 USD in-store shopping spree
A trip for 2 to European Bike Week

NO PURCH/PAYMENT NECESSARY. Open only to legal US/DC (excl HI) & Canada residents, above age of majority. Other elig restrs apply. Entries will only be accepted on 2/15/2025 from 9 AM ET until 11:59 PM ET. You do not have to be present to win. Optional: You may “RSVP” to the Ride into 2025 Event starting 1/25/2025 at RSVP Dealers (see list here). The 1st 100 people who RSVP will receive Poster Prize. An RSVP is not an entry & you must enter on 2/15/2025 to be eligible to win. To enter, visit Participating Harley-Davidson® Dealer, scan QR code & follow instructions no later than 2/15/2025 at 11:59 PM ET. Additional entries are available. For AMOE (email) & add’l entry info, see full rules. Limit 12 entries/person & email address regardless of method. DATA RATES MAY APPLY. NOT AVAIL IN ALL AREAS OR ON ALL DEVICES. Winner selection: Shopping Spree Prize winners will be randomly selected ea hour on 2/15/2025 from 1 PM to 6 PM. All other winners will be selected thru a 2-tier process on 2/18/2025, 1st by selecting 1 qualifying entrant per Dealer, then 1 winner from the qualifiers. Note: EagleRider Prize, Riding Academy Prize & H-D® Member Points Prize are only offered to entrants thru EagleRider Affiliated Dealers (see list here), Riding Academy Affiliated Dealers (see list here), & H-D Membership Affiliated Dealers (see list here) respectively. Qualifiers & winners for EagleRider Prize, Riding Academy Prize & H-D Member Points Prize will only be selected from entries rec’d by EagleRider Affiliated Dealers, Riding Academy Affiliated Dealers & H-D Membership Affiliated Dealers, respectively. All potential winners will be contacted by email to the email provided. Prizes: 1st Grand Prize (1): 2025 Harley-Davidson Street Glide Ultra Motorcycle. If this winner RSVP’d as detailed above, prize will also include $1000 gift card. ARV: $31,949. 2nd Grand Prize (1): 2025 Harley-Davidson Low Rider ST Motorcycle. ARV: $25,249. If this winner RSVP’d as detailed above, prize will also include $1000 gift card & the ARV of that Grand Prize will be increased by $1000. If neither Grand Prize winner RSVP’d, no RSVP gift card will be awarded. Trip Prize (1): R/T A/F trip for 2 (arriving to Milan, departing Vienna), motorcycle rental for 5 days, guided tour (Milan to Vienna) & 4 nts’ hotel stay for 2. ARV: $7,000. EagleRider Prize (1): Weekend rental getaway (Fri-Tues) valid thru 12/31/25 ARV: $1895. Riding Academy Prize (1): New Riders Essentials Package valid thru 12/31/25. ARV: $1800. H-D Member Points Prize (1): 100,000 Harley-Davidson Membership pts (US/DC res only) or $1000 gift card (CA res only). ARV: $1000. Shopping Spree Prizes (14): $500 USD H-D Dealership shopping spree at winner’s Preferred Participating Dealer valid thru 12/31/25. ARV: $500. Limit 1 Prize/person. Any travel guests must be 21+. Motorcycle Prize winners must pay tag/title/dealer & fees prior to receipt of Motorcycle Prize. Winners resp for all taxes/costs not stated above. Other restrs & elig lims apply. For full rules (incl details on entries & methods, winner selection, eligibility & prizes) & Winners' List (avail 4/15/2025), visit HD-promo.com/rideinto2025. Sponsor/Operator: Mighty Loud, Inc.

Harley-Davidson, HARLEY, H-D, and the Bar and Shield Logo are regis trademarks of H-D U.S.A., LLC. All rights reserved. Void where prohibited.